Uania Continuity

The only redundancy solution to take
the advantages of Uania beyond band aggregation

Uania Continuity

La soluzione di sola ridondanza per portare
i vantaggi di Uania oltre l'aggregazione di banda

What is UaniaContinuity

How it works

UaniaContinuity is Uania’s new service that makes it possible, by exploiting multiple connectivity links to UaniaBox, to increase the reliability of connectivity and avoid disruptions by using a single public, static and dedicated IP on which services can be exposed.

The UaniaContinuity solution routes the traffic on the Main connectivity (the one with the highest performance/reliability) while always being ready to use the backup connectivity, avoiding a disruption for the end customer, both in daily navigation and for the services exposed on Uania’s public IP (management, DVR, etc.).

Come funziona

UaniaContinuity è il nuovo servizio di Uania che permette, sfruttando più connettività collegate a UaniaBox, di aumentare l’affidabilità della connettività evitando disservizi utilizzando un unico IP pubblico, statico e dedicato sul quale è possibile esporre servizi.

Cos'è UaniaContinuity

La soluzione UaniaContinuity instrada il traffico sulla connettività Principale (quella con le performance/affidabilità maggiori) rimanendo sempre pronto per utilizzare le connettività di backup evitando un disservizio per il cliente finale, sia nella navigazione quotidiana, sia per i servizi esposti sull’IP pubblico di Uania (gestionale, DVR, ecc.).

How UaniaContinuity is delivered

UaniaContinuity, unlike UaniaCloud, is delivered with a minimum bandwidth value, and therefore redundant, by the device, until its hardware resources (CPU) are exhausted.

The UaniaContinuity solution is available on UaniaBox with a guaranteed bandwidth value starting at 300 mbit/s and on UaniaBox PRO starting at 500 mbit/s, until resources are exhausted.

Differenze Load Balancer@2x-100

Speed up your business with Uania

Are you interested in purchasing the Uania solution for your company? Fill in the form and we will evaluate together the most suitable solution for your needs.

We will contact you as soon as possible!

Do you have any questions?

[email protected]


Via Baione SNC Zona Industriale.
70043, Monopoli (BA)
+39 080 22 23 574


The bandwidth aggregation, business continuity and cybersecurity solution for your company

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